Went to send wenyin off at T1 on 1/30.

This time round, guess who we saw?

葉瑋庭 and 高凌风.

We took photo with 葉瑋庭, which was funny.

Zuer and Samartha were pushing each other

to ask 葉瑋庭 when she was just in front and

saw that they were pushing each other.

When we saw 高凌风, we said "hi" to him,

which made him very happy,

because it seems like there were no fans of his

waiting for him.

Finally, our princess arrived.

Forgot to bring my books for her autograph.

We managed to take picture with her.

When lastly, she waved goodbye to us from inside,

was very very cute.

She was jumping up and down~

Hope to see her again :P


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